MxMo CII: Spooky Sips

October is the most magical time of year. There’s a ghoulish revelry in the air, a perfect time for kitschy creeps. As the Tiki Terror and the master of my own brand of Horror Tiki I’ve always saved my best works for October. A time when I can present them in a month long Halloween Bash here on the Dark Isles. This month as the host of MxMo I invite all my blogger friends to join in my party. This year we’ve remade all manner of classics that are complex in their simplicity. However my idea is more esoteric and out there. Something to challenge your creativity. I trust all of you will rise to the challenge.

mxmo halloween

Spooooky MxMo!

October means Halloween. Halloween means kitschy parties and my favorite classic horror movies on the television. Here on the blog we’ve done tributes to Karloff, Dracula, and of course Vincent Price just to name a few. Tiki is rich with adventurous drinks that call to the terrifying. The Sidewinder’s Fang, the Shrunken Skull, the Shark’s Tooth, and of course the venerable Zombie. However I am sure there are creepy classics as well. Your challenge for my MxMo of Horrors is to create a terrifying tipple. It could be a drink that just screeches Halloween. Maybe it’s a recipe to honor your favorite horror movie or star. It could be a spooky garnish or petrifying punch. Heck if you wanna make eyeball jello shots who am I to tell you no. Let your creativity shine, I want to hear the blood curdling screams of your readers as they sip your creepy creations. Want to join my haunted bash? Here’s how to play.

  • Find or Create a booze filled item to celebrate all things Halloween and Horror. Feel free to make it a tribute to a horror icon or movie. Spooky garnishes and effects are also highly encouraged. Then include a photo, recipe, and such on your blog or eGullet’s Spirit’s and Cocktails forum.
  • Do all of this by midnight Monday, October 19th. Late submissions may be taken, but lets try to be on time lest you face the horrors of being left out! Make sure to post a link to your post on THIS article in the comments. Or Tweet it to @RatedRCocktails.

We hope this excites you Guys and Ghouls to rise from the dead. Shake those tins till you lose a limb. Then lets drink a toast to the best holiday of the year. The Dark Isles annual Halloween bash is rockin and we need your help! Until next time…

“Welcome to my Nightmare America!” -JFL

About JFL

Joey or JFL as he is known by friends is a culinary trained mixologist from the Heart of Dixie Birmingham, Alabama. From a weekly column in the St. Clair News Aegis to his own experiments online JFL never stops doing work on Tiki and Cocktails. When he's not studying all things spirit, wine, and beer he's pursuing his own odd interests such as cartoons, cheesy old horror movies, horror punk, hair metal, and hockey
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16 Responses to MxMo CII: Spooky Sips

  1. Pingback: MxMo CII, October 19, 2015: Spooky Sips | Mixology Monday

  2. Marius says:

    Hahaha first!
    This will make up for the delay I had last month!
    Here is my contribution, hope you’ll like it.

  3. Pingback: MxMo: Funeral Pyre | Booze Nerds

  4. Pingback: MxMo CII: Spooky Sips | The Black Julep | Scraps of Life

  5. Pingback: Dead & Thirsty | swizzzlestick

  6. Pingback: MxMo: Funeral Pyre - Bartending.News

  7. There’s a really awesome crew of mixologists in Los Angeles who create dazzling craft cocktails called N2 Mixology, they cater at various events in LA. Have you heard of them?

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