Mixology Monday Humbug Roundup

Well it’s been a great month of spreading Christmas jeers for this month’s Mixology Monday. Sadly good things must come to an end. Luckily for everyone involved that means we get to look in on some great drinks brought to you by some awesome blog writers like myself. Our theme was Humbug. A theme for the people out there who just hate this time of year. Here’s what I had to say about it at the beginning of the month.

mxmo grinch

Lets face it the holidays suck, yeah I said it. You put yourself in debt buying crap people will have forgotten about in a month. You drive around like a jackass to see people you don’t even like, or worse they freeload in your house. Your subjected to annoying music, and utterly fake, forced kindness and joy. Plus if you work retail your pretty much in hell, so don’t we all deserve a good stiff drink? So for this Mixology Monday unleash your inner Grinch. Mix drinks in the spirit of Anti-Christmas. They can be really bitter and amaro filled. They filled with enough booze to make you pass out in a tinsel covered Scrooge heap. They could be a traditional holiday drink turned on it’s ear. Or they could be a tribute to your favorite holiday villain. If you celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa then you still suffer through the holidays, so feel free to join in with your Anti-Holiday drink as well. Whatever it is add a hearty “Humbug!” and make your drink personify everything annoying or fake about the holidays.

So Lets not waste anytime. We had alot of great drinks pour in this month, and we can’t wait to pour them in our suckhole.


Mark Holmes from Cardiff Cocktails was kind enough to submit this Tiki treat to us. I really liked his inclusion of green tea and his homemade sherbet. Lets hope it fortifies him in his busy season across the pond!



Next up our buddy Zach the Venture Mixologist gets grinchy Atop Mount Crumpit. A great coffee topped sip with Orgeat, Black Grouse and Fluffy egg whites. This one really made us thirsty.



Then Scott at Shake, Strain, and Sip gave us a lip puckering treat inspired by one of the dudes old scrooge screwed the hardest. We love calvados, and, combining it with all that cranberry and spice was just a stroke of genius. Check out this and there other tasty treats for your next event.


midnightchoir971Then the captain ofMixology Monday the Cocktail Virgin/Slut Fred Yarm himself showed up with a scotchy insta-nog. We can’t buy Averna here, but we’re going to be on the lookout for it. We love the name for his drink, but we’re still waiting on a recipe for the Tinsel Butt.



Tis the season for hot drinks and The Boo Lion lets loose the Krampus to tame those greedy Christmas brats. We love Blackstrap Molasses and I found his drink to be simply to delightful having had a chance to try it a couple times. You should to!


CrimsonKrampusOur buddy Dan was inspired by the humbug spirit and the legend of Krampus as well. But instead of a burning black beast his was raging red. This collaboration touched our icy heart, or maybe that was just the absinthe.


blogger-image-2074748181Dagreb at Nihil Utopia had visions of candy in his head, but he gave us one heck of a spirituous cocktail instead. We’re curious to find some good Akvavit and give it a try. He also indulges our sinful love of green cherries.


IMG_2420-292x300We’re glad Mark Sexauer found some Anti-Holiday spirit. Even if only temporarily. Otherwise we wouldn’t have gotten introduced to Amaro Sibilla in this rippingly bitter Rye cocktail.


img_0202The Booze Nerds tapped Rye and Ramazzotti to discover there inner Curmudgeon. It packs a good bit of bitter with a pleasing orange twist. Perhaps it will aide you in yelling at kids on your lawn?


12-16-2012-172From the 3 Archers we received a welcome rum cocktail based on Red Roosters, sadly there was no overt sex jokes. There was however Sriracha! Good for Dumplings and now cocktails! We like his hat to.


Todd of Concoctails used one of our top three favorite rums in two delicious cocktails. A spirituous stirred scotch sip, and a creamy after dinner sipper.  We like the cut of his jib and will be watching his site more in the future. He gets bonus points for running Santa over.



The Shorter Straw gets dark and ominous on us with some wicked whiskey blending. We wanna get some of there cool cubes! Finally something to do with all the coal we get without waiting for warm weather.



The Fogged in Lounge rolls in, see what I did there…witty huh? Anyway they bring to mind the Snakebite. Reminding us all of a valuable lesson, rattlesnakes are a great Caroler repellant. Also Cider!


humbug2Putney Farms definitely drew our eye this year, they touched our tiki hears with a tasty sounding and looking rum filled blend. We’ll certainly raise a toast to this tasty looking entry.



Southern Ash serves up a Perfect Wee Bastard, which is their tasty take on the Rob Roy. A Classic Cocktail we certainly do enjoy from time to time ourselves.


Jamaican Jerk

Chemistry of the Cocktail jerks us around Jamaican style. We really like there addition of Swedish Punch when mixing with delicious Appleton Rum.



The Muse of Doom was saved by the bell sliding into home at the last minute with a nutty, vinegary, tequila tipple. We’re not sure what a Fee Dragee means, but the confusion makes us only more crotchety about the holiday season.


IMG_3554A little bit tardy but we still counted him in Jeff of What did I Drink dug around for a couple cocktails. They seem to speak of Anti Christmas to him, and I do love the name and imagery of the ashtray heart.


Look What we found under the TreeFinally We leave you with our own submission. A Fernet and Pineapple blend dedicated to a dead and buried Scrooge.


Well we had a great time hosting this month and wanna thank all the great entries. Everyone who took their time to mix something up and enter truly gets props from us. As always we wanna thank Fred for reviving this monthly party that we feel is vital to the online cocktail scene. Now that the roundup is up we’d certainly consider it a Christmas gift if you’d throw us some link backs. After all the entries in this month’s  MxMo, maybe it melted our icy heart, maybe Christmas really is a time of love and joy…


“Bah Humbug! And you Get Hammered America!” JFL

About JFL

Joey or JFL as he is known by friends is a culinary trained mixologist from the Heart of Dixie Birmingham, Alabama. From a weekly column in the St. Clair News Aegis to his own experiments online JFL never stops doing work on Tiki and Cocktails. When he's not studying all things spirit, wine, and beer he's pursuing his own odd interests such as cartoons, cheesy old horror movies, horror punk, hair metal, and hockey
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6 Responses to Mixology Monday Humbug Roundup

  1. Pingback: Humbug: Mixology Monday LXVIII « The 3 Archers

  2. Pingback: The Christmas Curmudgeon | Booze Nerds

  3. Pingback: MXMO: The Black Krampus « The Boo Lion

  4. Rowen says:

    Excellent MxMo. Thanks for hosting.

  5. Pingback: A Few Christmas Cocktails « Putney Farm

  6. Pingback: Fall Flavors: Holiday Headcase | Rated R Cocktails

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